False Vacuum

False Vacuum

The Quantum Divergence trilogy event kicks off with False Vacuum, now posting at the TrekBBS and Ad Astra. When the fiercely xenophobic Krellonian Star Alliance faces a planetary emergency on one of their colony worlds which has left their medical community baffled,...
Kilkenny Cats

Kilkenny Cats

Set after the events of The Quality of Mercy, DarKush’s newest entry in the ongoing Task Force Vanguard event series, Kilkenny Cats, is now posting at the TrekBBS. Join Captain Meera Prabhakar of the starship Califia and her crew as they venture deep into the...
Preemptive Maneuvers

Preemptive Maneuvers

The Inth Crisis continues in Preemptive Maneuvers, Galen Holcomb’s next, thrilling Star Trek: Intrepid chapter. Now posting at the TrekBBS. The USS Intrepid has now been classified as a renegade vessel. Alone and cut off from all support from Starfleet Command,...
Kilkenny Cats

Solitary Frontier

The final exhilarating chapter of Sam Redfeather’s epic Task Force Vanguard saga, Solitary Frontier, is now posting on the TrekBBS. And don’t miss out on the previous installments At the Gates, Scorched Earths and Infinities Unbound....
Four Years War: Year Zero

Four Years War: Year Zero

DarKush returns to the days before the Klingon-Federation conflict which would one day be known as the Four Years War. Discover the events leading up to one of the quadrant’s worst conflicts in: A Burning House / Seeds of Rage and Keep Your Enemies Close Posted...